The Burgett Group

Finding Middle Ground in K-12 Education

Finding Middle Ground in K-12 Education

by Jim Burgett & Brian D. Schwartz

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The meanest and sweetest word in education today may be "lawsuit"! It both stops progress cold and it keeps educators rightly guided. Yet two new words are emerging as far more powerful: MIDDLE GROUND, that hallowed dale of compromise between what is required and what works, where problems and issues are first prevented, and if not, resolved.

Knowing the rules is only half the answer. The art of clear and effective leadership is also required when conflict exists between good instructional practices and the law.

That is where Jim Burgett and Brian Schwartz and their 18 case studies shine. The have a shared goal, to keep readers and leaders out of court and to provide students with a first-class education. Brian masterfully makes complex laws understandable while Jim magically converts discord into solvable win-win situations. On these pages the two prize-winning educators balance best practices and the law into a compelling book that's full of practicality, reality, humor, and how-to common sense.

Don't be deceived by the fact that it's easy to read and lots of fun. It might just change the legal-administrative school climate nationwide.

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